Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Holy Silk Burn Batman!

Yesterday was aerial dance class day. It was an extremely fun class. During class we split off into little groups based on how many classes we had taken. I was in the group with people who have been going for a couple months. Brain Winn was instructing our group. We learned how to climb up the silks.....which is a lot harder than it looks. You would think climbing would use mostly upper body strength, no it uses mostly lower body. You sinch the fabric between the top of one foot and the bottom of the other. We also worked more on the same side knee sinch. I'm getting much better at that move. Brian told me a really helpful tip that makes everything in aerial silk easier. You have to push your pelvis towards the silks. This takes some of the stress off of your upper body. While I was doing a same side knee sinch I lost control and fell on to part of the mat below. As I was falling I tried to catch myself but all that did was give me silk burn on my finger tips. Silk burn is like carpet burn. My fingers were on fire. But after class I cooled them down with an iced coffee from Amelies the French bakery next door. Minus the silk burn class was fantastic!!!!! Can't wait for next week.  " The pelvis is the key!"

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